Faculty Induction Programme (formerly OP) for newly appointed Assistant Professors (30 days)
Faculty members working in Universities and Colleges that are included under Section 2 (f) of the UGC Act, even though they may not yet be fit under Section 12(b), are eligible to participate in the Orientation Programmes, Refresher Courses and Short-term Courses. The teachers of Colleges that do not yet come within the purview of Section 2 (f), but have been affiliated to University for at least 5 years will be permitted to participate in the said courses.
Registration Fee
Each selected participants shall pay a Registration Fee (Non-refundable) of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) at the time of admission to the course.
Hospitality for Participants
Rs. 500/- per working day per participant is admissible as per HRDC guidelines for providing hospitality (includes Stay, Boarding, Tea and Snacks and working Lunch) and there is no reimbursement of hospitality expenses to individuals.